Though it did not happen in the state of New York, a recent lawsuit ended with a jury finding a doctor liable for $2.4 million in damages. The medical malpractice suit was filed after the defendant's failure to appropriately treat a patient resulted in the man's...
Death of New York teen caused by medical malpractice
The health of a child is often a parent's top priority. Generally, parents have no choice but to trust medical professionals to keep their children safe, whether in New York or anywhere else in the nation. Sadly, though, sometimes healthcare professionals fail to...
Support for medical malpractice victims in New York
Medical professionals have a duty to provide a certain standard of care to patients. Despite that legal obligation, countless patients are the victims of medical malpractice every year in New York. When medical malpractice occurs and the injuries or damages have left...
Medical malpractice situations can have major impact
Putting your life or the life of a loved one in the hands of a medical professional comes with a certain assurance that the professional involved will use reasonable standards of care. Despite those standards of care, situations arise where a medical professional in...
The effects of medical malpractice can be far-reaching
Doctors and other medical professionals not only have an ethical and moral obligation to treat patients with extreme care and safety, but they also have a legal obligation to do so. Despite that legal obligation, medical professionals in New York and elsewhere can...
Medical malpractice situations can be complex
When a person becomes a patient or a loved one is a patient under medical care, there is a reasonable expectation that proper training, education and protocol is in place and will translate into proper care. Despite those expectations, situations occur where a New...
Preventing medical malpractice by increasing vigilance in the OR
In an airplane, pilots are isolated inside the cockpit, away from noise and other distractions. This not only prevents unnecessary injury; it also allows the pilots to focus fully on the task at hand. Experts in the medical field have stated that they believe the...
Medical malpractice can have devastating effects in New York
Whenever a person seeks the care of a medical professional, he or she has an expectation of trust and adequate care. When that care is negligent or substandard, the consequences can be life-altering and financially devastating. For New York patients who have been the...
Medical malpractice needs addressed for New York victims
Anytime a person seeks medical care, it can be a frightening and intimidating experience. When there is a complication or unforeseen result, the stress can compound and lead to much more serious issues. If a complication is due to medical malpractice, New York victims...
New York medical malpractice claims require attention to detail
Families in New York rely on medical professionals for a variety of healthcare-related reasons. Because most people do not have the extensive medical knowledge that comes with years of study and training, they put their trust in doctors, nurses and other healthcare...