Prior to rolling out a new make or model of a car or truck, auto makers and manufactures must ensure the vehicle is free of any defective components and safe for consumers. Failure on the part of an auto maker and manufacturer to follow these regulatory measures may...
New York State’s Scaffold Law
New York State's Scaffold Law was designed to protect construction workers- and their families - and to keep the public safe. It holds contractors and owners accountable for enforcing work site safety rules and regulations. Unfortunately, some builders, contractors,...
Physician loses his leg and learns what it means to become a victim of medical malpractice
Last Fourth of July, during a day at the beach, Frederick S. Southwick, a professor of medicine at the University of Florida, experienced a sudden pain in his left calf. Two months later, he required an above-the-knee amputation due to medical malpractice.
Dispelling the lies and myths perpetuated by the insurance industry surrounding medical malpractice litigation.
Gianfortune & Mionis is working very hard to dispel the lies and myths perpetuated by the insurance industry surrounding medical malpractice litigation. We are actively involved, fully support and are very proud of the work done by the New York State Trial lawyers...